Personal Experience: Grandma's Nursing Home Experience

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Grandma’s Nursing Home Experience It was a cold, snowy day, just a few days after Thanksgiving. My grandmother became immensely ill and unable to care for herself. My family hoped they had made arrangements for her to be taken care of. Just a few short days later our minds had been blown and we were totally thrown off. This was the day I realized what I was destined to do. I had never been so determined in my life. It was a normal day just like any other with the same daily routine and regular tactics. Grandma was at kidney dialysis so my mom and I were enjoying some Chinese and watching TV. A few minutes later my mom received an unexpected call from the nurse at dialysis. She explained that my grandma had had a stroke and they had to call …show more content…

It was this third stroke that had taken a major turn on her. Due to my family’s daily responsibilities, working, and taking care of us kids, neither of my uncles, aunt or mom could fit the time in their busy schedules to look after my grandma. Considering she needed 24 hours a day 7 days a week care they figured it was best to place her in a nursing home. Sometime towards the end of November she arrived at Miller’s Merry Manor. From my personal perspective the environment appeared to be exceptionally calm and comfortable. When I first strolled through the doors I noticed a bird cage that was built into the wall containing approximately 20-30 birds. I could hear them chirping down the hallway. The scenery was particularly relaxing. The building was very clean and smelled of flowers which pushed me to believe this setting was suitable. By the time the paperwork was signed and she settled in, it was nearly 9 o’clock and time to leave. I noticed in her eyes that she was nervous about staying; my family and I were as well, but the nurses reassured us they would take appropriate care of her and we felt they all

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