Personal Essay: Enduring Vs. Enjoying

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Enduring VS Enjoying
I believe there is more to life than surviving. (pause a second) Survival can have many meanings. One (pause 1) being not dying.. Dur. Many religions believe in different things. Some (emphasize some) say, “When you’re dead, you’re gone. Like bye world.” Others (emphasize others) believe in the resurrection or incarnation. “When you die, you’ll live forever in heaven.” or “Don’t worry, you’ll be born again sometime.” Either way your time on Earth as you right now, isn’t very long, and I hope you understand that. (pause 1) Life has its own experiences and gives you the opportunity to create memories. Why live it being depressed all the time? (pause 2) We need to find what we can enjoy. Find our happy place in this life. …show more content…

In life we go to the park, to the movies, or to the mall. And please, don’t try to convince me that you go the mall to survive, because do you really? (pause 1) I’m sure you don’t. Probably, you go to eat, hang out with friends, buy things you don’t really need, and most importantly have fun. I know I do. My friends and I would go to waste the money on our cards, and buy more candy than we can eat. These memories and fun times make up my childhood. We have these, yet there is a problem in the world. A disease. A horrible thing called depression. (pause) According to the Anxiety and Depression Association, 40 million adults in the US 18 or older are affected, and in the world, 25.1% of children are affected. But only 36.9% choose to receive treatment. These are people who don’t see the meaning to life, who gave up, or are trying but are not reaching life’s potential. They need to be helped to find the righteous rational right

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