Personal Character Flaws

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tests, but will also be held to a high standard regarding how they portray their personal character. Students are to also acquire the type of responsibilities the teachers holds in their classroom. If a teacher were to give exact goals for a student to reach concerning their behavior it would more successful then the students guessing what the teacher expects from them. Research concerned with the transfer of learning indicates that students generally do not apply learned skills or knowledge to practical situations unless the teacher specifically demonstrates the application (Miles, Kibler and Barker, 1970 p.106). Teachers express behaviors or skills that they would want the student to do as well, which allows the student to implement a …show more content…

Testing the student’s on their academic progress is by assessing them with standardized testing, individual meetings teachers, surveys, and in class activities. These could be very useful for the teachers, but in a sense can be bad for the student because not only is this teaching student’s that testing can interpret a child’s knowledge, but also makes a child stress that doesn’t do well taking tests. Another disadvantage is that in an essentialist classroom teachers are not stressing the importance of extra curricular or academic subjects. Such as art, music, drama, and sports. This is allowing students to miss out on any skills that could be developed in these subject areas. There are many disadvantages and advantages to this educational philosophy, which led many to believe that this is either a great philosophy to have or can be absolutely horrible. Some advantages would be that the children are learning to develop moral character and respect for their authority. This philosophy has an objective and can be easily applicable. The teachers want the students to respectfully change the culture and to become model citizens. Where do ethics come into play and who is the authority on such an important topic? So we must discuss the disadvantages to accepting society as is. What would have happened if Tesla, Einstein, Socrates and the many other great minds of our pass just accepted things the way they were? Society needs creativity as much as it needs structure.
Biblical Worldview Proverbs 23:13-14 states, “Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol.” Discipline must be used in teaching our youth. Essentialism and Behaviorism core value is learning requires discipline. This value transcends

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