Personal Analysis: Abstinence From Sweets

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Abstinence from Sweets I first would like to apologize for thinking that it was easy to give up. I really struggle with giving up sugar. The first week I started was a nightmare. I experience headaches, mood swings, stress, fatigue, irritability, and depression. According to mental health daily (2014), these are some of the symptoms that an individual will experience during sugar withdrawals.
Hendricks and Leventhal (2013) describe some of the same withdrawal symptoms with individuals that are smokers. I have heard people say that it should get easier each day. I disagree with that, because I felt like it was harder each day. After two weeks, I was ready to relapse. I begin thinking of ways to justify if I ate this, it would not be considered as that much sugar. I did not have anything sweet until January 31, 2016, which was my son birthday. I ate a small piece of cake that taste as if it did not have any sugar in it. …show more content…

When I was stressed, I could not get enough sugar. I did not want it, but it was there and I knew it. This was how I would handle my stress so that I would not take it out on my family. I believe that over the past couple of weeks my family was ready to give me a snicker bar. I am glad that I did it, because now I have figure out better ways to handle my stress. For example, I work out more now, and I eat more fruits and vegetables. What help me to make it to January 31, 2016 was that I was more determine to prove to myself that I could overcome sugar even in the stages where I was thinking about

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