Persepolis Essay

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In the cartoon film, Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, portrays the development of a little girl name Marjie who lives in Iran. She is only 10years old when she experiences the Islamic Revolution of the Shi’s against the Shahs in 1979. Marjie is an energetic and courageous little girl as she is influence by her uncle Anoosh. This influence by her uncle created an internal conflict for Marjie. The story structure of the film depicts the complexities of Marjie as an adolescent.
The exposition in the film is Marjie living with her parents and grandmother during the Islamic Revolution. This event impacts Marjie tremendously for example when she persuades her friends into attacking the young boy riding the bike because she believes his father works for the Shah’s secret agent. But she realizes that it was not her duty to bring justice …show more content…

Marjie feels like her life is crumbling and so she buys stuff from the black market in Iran. She finds herself listening to pop music for example Michael Jackson and heavy metallic music to help her deal with her emotions. Most adolescent share the same commonalties like Marjie here in Belize in terms of the latest fashion and music. This is the manner in which most youths deal with internal conflicts. When Marjie was in Vienna she got an insight on reality and this made her feel guilty because her family was dying as Martyr in Iran. During this time Marjie was developing into a young lady and rejected her origin when she went to the club. Most adolescent tend to deny their culture because of their exposure to a new society or their influence from the media. Distance from ones home can be another reason. When Marjie boyfriend Markus cheated on her she went through a stage of depression. Sometime adolescent put their trust in the wrong person and end up hurting themselves. I have seen cases here in Belize where young girls would commit suicide because of a breakup and vice

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