Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi: An Analysis

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Have you ever looked at a friend, a teacher or even a complete stranger, and asked yourself what they could have experienced so far in life? Think about that for a minute. Think about your experiences then think about the possibility of theirs. Everybody has different experiences and they’re usually based on someone’s environment. Environment. Think about that for a minute. Everybody’s home environment is different. Now remember this; everybody’s environment affects their experiences. The way you were raised and the place you were raised all played part in your personal experiences. Your experiences and environment have shaped you into who you are now. I can assure you that most of my experiences are different than yours. Now, I’ve experienced heartbreak and loss from losing someone close to me and I’m sure you might’ve felt the same at some point. Here’s an example of someone who felt the same. In Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, Marji, the main character, is close with her uncle. She believes that he is a hero. One day, she leaves for school and when she gets home, he isn’t there. He had been arrested. He was allowed one visitor and he chose Marji, so her …show more content…

Let’s say someone lives in bad part of town, they might be a little more tough than someone who lives in a small neighborhood. The things happening around you, good or bad, all affect you. I was raised in a small town and learned to treat people how you want to be treated. Where you were raised might be different than me and it contributes greatly. In Sweet Potato Pie by Eugenia Collier, Buddy’s family lives in poverty. All of the kids in the family left school early to get jobs and help out at home. Buddy was left in school because his family thought he was smart enough to get somewhere and “be somebody,” as his brother would say. Buddy was very kind. Him being raised in poverty and learning the right things left him with the right mindset in

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