Performance Enhancing Drugs Research Paper

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Research Project Outcome

Topic Question: What are the effects of performance enhancing drugs and why are they popular amongst athletes?

Performance-enhancing drugs are commonly used amongst athletes who compete in sports. These substances enhance the performance of the user, which makes them to be stronger, faster and allows them recover from training quicker than an average person. These drugs are illegal in competitive sports and are considered cheating by many people. There have been number incidents in the past and recently where athletes have been caught using these prohibited substances and has suffered consequences. This report is a collation of all the information gathered from websites, journals, news articles, documentaries, movies, interviews and surveys, which discuss the risks involved when taking these drugs, and the reason why athletes take these drugs, whether they take it for the sole purpose of winning, wealth or fame.

What are performance-enhancing drugs? How do they work? …show more content…

Testosterone has two main effects on the body, Anabolic and Androgenic, where Anabolic promote for muscle growth and Androgenic are responsible for male traits.3 Some athletes take straight testosterone to boost their performance, while anabolic steroids are synthetic modifications of testosterone. These substances can be taken in form of tablets or can be injected directly into the muscles.4 Anabolic Steroids can be taken in three different ways to maximise the effect of the drug. Cycling, Stacking and Pyramiding are different styles of taking these drugs, where Cycling involves taking doses of the drug for a period of time, stopping for a while and restarting the process again. Stacking involves combining two or more different types of steroids and Pyramiding is when the user gradually increases the dose

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