Perfection In Today's Society

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In today’s society many children feel discriminated against for not being “perfect”. Though, everyone’s version of “perfect” is different. Years ago society’s version of flawlessness was muscle and being enrolled in athletic programs along with having tan skin. Today’s version of perfection is long hair, exceptionally thin waists, and lengthy legs with high heels to top them off. Another image of perfection is that of a model, girls want their lean faces, high paying jobs, and angelic wings. All women and men alike are being plagued with the desire to take hold of the perfect image, though, they eventually find out it happens to be a false and unhappy image. Teenagers go through numerous changes as they go through the adolescent stage, may …show more content…

She was brought forth from the imagination of a man named Charles Dana Gibson. This was the fad of the 1910’s, they wanted large breasts and wide hips, the epitaph of the genuine American feminine physique. She was a true to the hourglass image girls want today. The next was called the “Flapper Girl”, she came around in the 1920’s. Around this time women had received the right to vote and be independent and these women really showed their freedom. By day the women of the nightlife worked as avid volunteers or clerks, they retained the old school “women” jobs. Most of these women were Northern, single, and …show more content…

In the United States alone there are approximately two-hundred thousand cases of anorexia per year. Normally when you have anorexia you skip meals and are constantly watching your weight and exercising. You are often plagued by the fear of being overweight and will refuse to eat because of that fear. These types of cases are often characterized by an irregularly low weight. Some symptoms of anorexia consist of: dehydration, dizziness with exercise or movement, binge eating, social isolation, if you are a women you are more likely to become infertile and have erratic menstrual cycles. You also are more prone to depression and anxiety as well as dry hair and bad

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