Perelandra Analysis

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This is a critical point in the history of Perelandra that will decide the future of the this young and happy world. Ithar evil will take root in the minds of the inhabitants or Ransom will successfully repel it. In this wonderful continuation of CS lewis’s space series he shows us that sometimes the desire to grow smarter and good intechens can be clouded and changed into something bad. He also shows us that one man who trusts in Maleldil, can do the impossible to save something that he thinks is worth saving. The main force and representative of all that is good and right on this world that CS Lewis has created is Dr Elwin Ransom. He was sent to a world that was just at its beginnings and was very different than ours, it was (from what we know) a mostly water covered planet with the majority of the story taking place on this great islands that float on the water's surface. The wildlife and vegetation is all very new to Ransom and overwhelmed all his senses and as it seemed to him a perfect world, even eating some fruit from a tree gave all shorts of pleasers that were all new to him. Ransom represents all that is good and is tasked to keep the world from being completely enveloped in evil. All the characters were impacted in different ways but for Ransom in particular he saw the innocence and …show more content…

The the whole universe that he has created is heavily influenced by the christian thought process and all the beliefs that he holds. This story inpariular is based on the story of Adam and Eve and all it takes to ruin a whole world is many convincing lies. The story of early Perelandra is much like the start of our own world but the only difference is that the lady or Eve did not let the world to be consumed by evil. Another reason why he would have brought this to to people how much greater the world would be if evil did not enter our

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