Pentheus 'Sexist Character In Eurpides' Bacchae

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Within the pages of Eurpides’ Bacchae, Pentheus perceives as immensely sexist character throughout the tragedy due to the way he punishes men and women separately when both sexes celebrate and worship Dionysus. Even in Pentheus’ first appearance to the audience in scene one, he disgustedly speaks of how the women become so enticed by them becoming Maenads and the amount of ingested wine. Pentheus had just recently arrived back from a journey, so up until this moment has he only heard word of the messenger about the situation in Thebes. He had not really investigated the situation for himself but still insults the women and their femininity due to them worshiping Dionysus, not Aphrodite (lines 224 - 225). Pentheus goes as far to treat them

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