Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist

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The gypsy women said, “Dreams are a language of god.” Exploring your personal legend will lead you on your path to self-discovery. The novel “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho is a story where an Andalusian shepherd Santiago sets off on a great journey to find treasure. Santiago’s journey lead him to discover about himself that the only way of learning is through action, you will regret following your dreams, and love can wait. One of the lessons that Santiago learns is from the alchemist himself. Santiago read books about alchemy from an Englishman, but he did not learn anything from the books. He asked the alchemist about this. The alchemist explained, “There is only one way to learn. It’s through action. Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey.” This shows Santiago the importance of acting, and how experience surpasses knowledge. Who would you want you to teach you how to drive? A person who has read 30 years’ worth of books on driving or a person who has been driving for 30 years? …show more content…

He also, learns from the crystal shop keeper. Santiago earns a fortune working at a crystal shop after working almost a year. He is unsure whether he should save up, live his normal life, or continue his journey. The shop keeper said “…every blessing ignored becomes a cure.” Santiago chose to continue his journey. A blessing he didn’t ignored. In life if you do not follow your dreams it will become a curse. You will only wonder. Could your life have had everything that you ever wanted? Only if you were brave enough to follow them like did Santiago, and take a

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