Patriot Act Research Paper

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Since the attack on 9/11, it has been the Department of Justice's priority to prevent terrorist attacks and protect the lives of Americans. The USA Patriot Act was proposed in response to 9/11. It was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001, nearly one month after the attack. Under this Act, Congress took existing principles and added to them. The Act was passed almost completely unanimously by the Senate 98-1 and in the House of Representatives, 357-66. The Patriot Act enhances law enforcement and improves our counter-terrorism efforts in many ways- It allows investigators to use tools already available to investigate organized crimes, makes information sharing easier, uses new technology for modern threats, and it increases the penalty …show more content…

Law enforcement is now able to use surveillance against crimes. Investigators can gather information when looking into terrorism-related crimes. The gathered information may include chemical-weapons, use of weapons of mass destruction, and terrorism financing. Now, federal agents may follow advanced terrorists who are trained to elude detection. The Act authorizes agents to request court permission to track terrorists. Now, federal agents just need to ask a court for an order to obtain business records on high-profile national security cases. These business records provide the missing information that investigators are looking for to solve these crimes. Similarly, The Patriot Act makes information sharing easier so that government agencies are able to link evidence more smoothly. Senator John Edwards said, "We simply cannot prevail in the battle against terrorism if the right hand of our government has no idea what the left hand is doing." He seems to be saying that we as a country will not win against terrorists if the government is not communications or working

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