Patrick Le Braouzec: The Map And The Territory

962 Words2 Pages

Charles Shugars
LITH 330
Final Exam
Spring 2015

Part 1:
Patrick Le Braouzec appears in the Epilogue of Michel Houellebecq’s The Map And The Territory. Le Braouzec was criminally involved in the “Houellebecq Case” that was closed just over three years after it began by a detective by the name of Christian. Le Braouzec had a considerable history of crime mostly involving minor offences such as procuring and grievous bodily harm. In addition to this, it is made clear that he had also stolen the painting at the nucleus of the “Houellebecq Case.” However, Le Braouzec had recently adopted the reputation of being an “Insect Trafficker.” He was caught with a stolen vehicle, stolen painting, and one hundred thousand euros worth of illegally obtained …show more content…

Olga is a beautiful Russian woman who works for Michelin. Olga and the novel’s main protagonist, Jed Martin meet while he is conducting photography in France. Olga arranged Jed’s first individual art show and made him an art star. Later in the novel, he turns to painting, and his success is astronomical and immediate. Jed becomes a wealthy man, but stands by when Olga, who loves him, returns to Russia without him. It is made quite clear that Olga is in love with Jed. Later in the novel, when Olga returns to Paris and essentially re-enters Jed’s life, he lets her take him home, but when he wakes up in the morning, he cannot remember whether they made love or not. Jed decided to leave while Olga was still asleep, walking out of her life …show more content…

Beigbeder is a close friend of Houellebecq. He is also a well-respected French novelist. Jed Martin is introduced to Beigbeder at a literary prize ceremony when Beigbeder was at the height of his media fame. This would undoubtedly become one of the most important networking opportunities of Jed Martin’s career. This is due to the fact that Beigbeder later introduced Jed Martin to Michel Houellebecq, after which, Martin’s career soared to new heights. Beigbeder was a significant figure in the novel even though he was a secondary character. It was his relevance and comparability that added to the general scope of the novel and what Jed Martin would experience throughout his

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