Patrick Henry's Rationalist Movement

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Patrick henry is considered a rationalist, he wrote and took part in “give me liberty, or give me death” on march 23, 1775. In this work, we can see evidence of the characteristics, themes and style identified with the rationalist movement which was extant in American letters between 1750 and 1800. Patrick henry wrote during this time period of American literature, and as such, remains one of the most identifiable and iconic writers of his time. Born May 29, 1736, at studley in the family farm, in Hanover country, Virginia. Patrick henry is considered one of the great American authors, he wrote in the rationalist period. As a kid henry attended local schools for a couple of years, and after this his father decided to teach him himself. In 1754 henry decided to marry Sarah Shelton, they lived together in a 300 acre pine slash farm near Mechanicsville gifted to them by Sarah’s parents as a wedding gift with a couple of slaves, with his marriage henry became a landowner and also a slave owner Patrick henry then decided to start a career …show more content…

This literary movement is characterized by mainly being composed of philosophers, scientists, writing speeches and pamphlets. Human beings can arrive at truth “gods rules” by using deductive reasoning, rather than relying on the authority of the past, on religious faith or intuition. Rationalism was mainly focused on “reason”, rationalism is highly ornate persuasive writing, and was/is able to catch the reader’s attention in a certain way that it was able to peruse the reader in a certain way to capture their attention. Particularly in his “give me liberty or give me death”, we can see a representation of type of literature written during the rationalist era. “Give me liberty or give me death” Patrick henry sounded one of the most famous calls to arms in American history. The speech was given during a meeting of the second Virginia convention at St. Johns church in Richmond.

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