Patrick Henry Informative Essay

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Patrick Henry was born and raised in the town of Studley, Virginia, on May 29, 1736. He spent most of his childhood in the town Studley, Virginia. Henry was different than most people in the colonies. Most people in the colonies were very boring and casual. Henry was an outgoing person and liked to be the center of attention. He tried to be as funny as he could be, and put smiles on peoples faces. The people of virginia saw how outgoing he was and nicknamed him “radical.” Henry was one of the towns favorite people to be around, and everyone loved him.

Patrick Henry was a hard working man. As he was busy most of his time. Henry was a lawyer as his main job, but he was also a orator. An orator is basically a public speaker. He gave many speeches …show more content…

He constructed the first First Continental Congress in 1774. Were he and Thomas Jefferson meet with one person from each colony. In this meeting each person talked about their ideas to retaliate on the British. Also in the First Continental Congress, Patrick Henry orated his most famous speech, “Give me liberty or give me death.” Patrick Henry states,”Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give me Liberty, or give me Death!” After this, everyone jumped up and shouted, “ To Arms! To Arms!” After the meeting as over, Henry put a militia group together. In this group Henry would lead them and teach them strategies, such as guerrilla warfare. Henry would lead them to fight the Royal Governor Lord Dunmore’s to fix a situation of gunpowder. This major event would be called the Gunpowder …show more content…

He had to make sure at all times that all rules or laws were followed and if not he had to make punishments for them. George was a king so whatever decision he made went, and nobody else could change his mind. Usually, Parliament is there to help guide the King and his decisions, but King George took many things upon himself numerous times without guidance from Parliament. King George had many disagreement with Parliament. The population in Great Britain at the time was fairly high, and George had many responsibilities. King George went through rough times as being King but always found a way through the problems. He took and controlled Great Britain through many battles and wars including the American Revolution. King George was the man behind the American Revolution, and the fighting between the colonists and the

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