Patient With Dementia

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The care of a patient is a team effort and within the forum of a visit a patient is utilizing many sources, many individuals, and much more technology than anyone realizes. Patients age 65 and older are a unique subset of patients that are cared for each day. One major condition that many elderly patients succumb to is dementia. Dementia is described as the adverse actions of aging, in layman’s terms, one will return to what they were first born as. Dementia will cause a person to lose the knowledge, skills, and functions to perform daily functional task. Once this change happens, caregivers some trained but most family members are not beginning their journey of learning to care for the elderly. The ability to have accurate, real-time information …show more content…

The information in the blog, aims to create a better transition for the caregiver by giving them the knowledge and skills that they will need to be supportive. One other important factor of dementia is that with the lack of cognitive function comes a security risk for all involved. The individual with dementia may become unaware of what is right and wrong creating events like behavioral changes. That will cause harm to the sufferer and or the …show more content…

With real-time answers I believe many lives are being saved and a better quality of life exists for the elderly we care for. References Fowler, C., Haney, T., & Rutledge, C. M. (2014). An Interprofessional Virtual Healthcare Neighborhood for Caregivers of Elderly With Dementia. Journal for Burse Practitioners, 10(10), 829. doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2014.08.012. Retrieved from: Santos de Queiroz, R., & Funchal Camacho, A. C. (2016). Educational Technology On Care To Elderly With Dementia: Experience Report. Journal of Nursing UFPE/Revista De Enfermagem UFPE, 361-365. doi:10.5205/reuol.7901-80479-1-SP.1001sup201623. Retrieved from:

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