Patient Wait Time Essay

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For the purposes of this quality improvement effort, the measures will be aimed at improving the wait time for a patient after the check in at a facility. Wait time is defined as time spent between checking in and the actual encounter. The encounter includes when the patient is seen by a medical professional. This will potentially increase patients’ satisfaction but could jeopardize patients that will come in with more critical conditions.
The necessity of reducing wait times
The proposed project would serve to reduce the wait times spend in a healthcare setting. This project can be applied to inpatient and outpatient facilities, and is aimed at reducing resources and time wasted on initiating the encounter. Reducing patient wait times is crucial to healthcare because it has financial and treatment impacts. Long wait times impede the care a patient receives as well as their satisfaction of the episode of care.
An example …show more content…

Time is valuable to the patient, and to the medical facility treating the patient. Fewer wait times mean a more productive delivery of healthcare services, and as shown by the evidence-based practices discussed later, better patient satisfaction of their encounter. Lean focuses on trimming waste brought on by unnecessary procedures in a process. Applying this methodology to patient wait times, areas for improvement can be identified by looking at the steps taken to transfer the patient to their provider after registration.
Using the Lean methodology, the process can be streamlined to only gather the crucial information for allowing a patient to see a provider. This way, the provider knows everything they need to treat the patient, and the registration has enough data to make an informed decision to shift the volume of incoming patients accordingly. Trimming waste is essential to improving wait times as this reduces the total time needed to facilitate a patient

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