Pathology Personal Statement

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To be able to understand the changes in human body during a disease process has drawn me to the profession of medicine. I believe this is thought that steered me to practice higher education in pathology. In order to practice in pathology, it requires understanding regarding every organ system, every kind of tumor and infection. Pathology provides us the insight into a patient's body at the gross and cellular level and actually enables us to identify the pathogenesis of the patient’s disease. Pathology is a scientific clinical knowledge and provides a broader scope in research. All these facets of pathology have inspired me to pursue a career in this specialty. While in the initial years of medical school, I truly enjoyed courses in physiology and pathology. Learning about the normal state and then structural alterations of cells, pathogenesis, and the consequences of changes were very fascinating. The slides under the microscope were difficult to understand but looked very pleasing, identical to an abstract art. With the help of my professors, I started to understand those slides and developed an interest in learning to diagnose them. While in my third year of medical school, my clinical clerkship in surgery …show more content…

These abilities make me the person I am: vibrant person, an enthusiastic, and always on the move. Being a competitive player of cricket team since 2008, I continue to improve my leadership, team spirit, and sportsmanship. Working in the lab, I continue to improve my observation, critical thinking, problem solving, time management and writing skills. Attending medical school in abroad, completing clinical clerkships in various hospitals across US and Canada, and my volunteer work with many organizations, assisted me to learn to work with diverse personalities. It has also improved my communication skills and aided me nurture empathy, patience, and a willingness to

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