Passover Religion

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Footwashing on Maundy Thursday is “an opportunity to ask how we can add service to our lives and again live in the call to wash the feet of others. It’s an opportunity to ask how we can live our faith in more than symbolic terms.” A charge that calls us to humble ourselves, by following his example and act in love towards everyone. Jesus established a new social order and paradigm, creating a different understanding of who the other is and how we should relate to one another. While approaching Peter, scripture describes how appalled he was by Jesus actions. Nonetheless, Jesus explains that “this gesture carries the weight of the whole program. If your position, your perceptions, your feelings, your way of life are such that this behavior is …show more content…

Tertullian, one of our church fathers, mentions how they celebrated Christ’s passion during the Passover celebration, “The Passover affords a more than usually solemn day for baptism; when, withal, the Lord’s passion, in which we are baptized, was completed.” Furthermore, Hippolytus of Rome, in his Apostolic Tradition (c. 215), also shows that the early church acknowledged an annual Christian feast at the time of Passover. Describing the Pascal fast, Hippolytus instructs, “Let no one at the paschal season eat before the offering is made, otherwise he shall not be credited with the …show more content…

“The ancient unitive Pascha day which commemorated all the events of the last days of Jesus, including the crucifixion and resurrection, was divided into distinct commemorations.” One of the major liturgical advances of the fourth century was the development of the Christian calendar. Significantly, the travel diary of Egeria on her pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the A.D. 383, bears witness to the celebration and practice of Holy Week. For example, Egeria describes her worship experience on Holy Thursday as

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