Participatory Democracy Apush

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1. Participatory Democracy A process highlighting the broad participation of voters in the direction and operation of political systems.
2. Democratic-Republicans This was a major political party for a long time and was founded in the 1790’s. Democratic-Republicans were first known as the Jeffersonian Republicans. There opponents were mostly the federalists or the later the Whigs.
3. Second Great Awakening Protestant revival movement during the early 19th century in the United States. Countless people were converted and many churches were revived. Women's roles in the church were greatly changed and they deeply encouraged the religious revival.
4. International slave trade This is when people were captured in Africa and then shipped o different …show more content…

Telegraph A device that used electric signals to communicate a message through a wire. Allowed people to talk about ideas and the price of goods across the country.
8. The American System Economic program advanced by Henry Clay that included support for a national bank, high tariffs, and internal improvements; emphasized strong role for federal government in the economy.
9. Tariffs A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
10. Missouri Compromise Compromise over the issue of slavery in Missouri. Missouri would be admitted as a slave state while Maine would be admitted as a free state and all states north of the 36°30′ line would be free, the states southward would be slave.
11. constituencies A body of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body.
12. Democrats An advocate, supporter, or member of the democratic party.
13. Human Perfectibility Social reform movement influenced by the idea that Americans must have a perfect society. Inspired the building of orphanages, poor houses, jails, and asylums. Led by some reformers to provide care for the physically and mentally …show more content…

Semi-Subsistence Agriculture Typically characterized as small, family run agricultural holdings, associated with production for own food needs and a low degree of market participation.
17. Market Revolution Economic transformation that occurred in America during the first half of the nineteenth century.
18. Internal Improvements Public works from the end of the American Revolution, mainly for the creation of a transportation setup.
19. Arable Land An agricultural term that means land that can be used for growing crops.
20. Federalists An advocate, supporter, or member of the Federalist Party. They advocated a strong central government.
21. Whigs A party that emerged that largely represented many of the interests of the old Federalist party. Andrew Jackson initiated its creation.
22. Secular Reforms
23. Xenophobia It is an intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. Many Americans had xenophobia for people from Ireland and Germany.
24. Canals Connected the east and the west. It was used for trade for many people and trade was faster. Although many people had to uproot their lives and go somewhere else to earn their living.
25. Textile Machinery
26. Urban

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