Participation Trophy Debate

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The participation trophy debate has been an issue going on for years. It made national headlines back in 2015 when Pittsburg Steelers linebacker James Harrison publically took his two boys participation trophies away and gave them back to the organization that gave it to them. He was quoted saying, "While I am very proud of my boys for everything they do and will encourage them till the day I die, these trophies will be given back until they EARN a real trophy.... I'm not sorry for believing that everything in life should be earned and I'm not about to raise two boys to be men by making them believe that they are entitled to something just because they tried their best...cause sometimes your best is not enough, and that should drive you to …show more content…

The 'for participation trophies' side believes that by handing out these trophies to children now that it shouldn't have any negative effect on their future. Showing children that by trying and showing up are all that matters. By doing this it makes everyone a winner and therefore everyone should be rewarded. The 'against participation trophies' side believes that by making everyone a winner, this will create negative long-term effects on children. By parents and coaches over praising these children that it won't teach them any positive life lessons. They also believe that trophies "teach kids about winning and losing, about success and failure", which is an important lesson that they will use their whole …show more content…

Lisa is part of the 'for' group when it comes to this debate, Vivian is part of the 'against' group. In Lisa's article one can clearly see that she is a firm believer that children now can benefit from receiving participation trophies. She states that trophies will motivate "kids to participate in sports, to learn to improve their skills, to help others, to work hard and make a contribution to the team." She is not really concerned or mentions these kids and how they may be in the future. Vivian on the other is worried that if we keep handing out participation trophies to children, we are going to raise a bunch of young adults who cannot handle losing in the real world. She quotes a man who was questioned "if it's best to reward them for just showing up?" She believes that we are failing "to distinguish the accomplishments that deserve it, from those that don't." Vivian thinks that we are failing to teach this important life lesson to our children by handing them these trophies. Lisa and Vivian, two authors and two very different points of views on participation trophies. This may be one of those debates in which the two sides may never agree on. Or perhaps they may just agree to

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