Parrot Short Story

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I'm the magician and There is this parrot who watches me when I do my tricks and every time I do my shows he gives away all the illusions by squeaking out ‘’THAT'S A DIFFERENT HAT’’ and know one will want to come to my shows because they want to see magic and not for me to give it away and runion the whole thing for guests on the ship.
When I was doing one of my shows and there was a bad storm and we all started sinking and then I was hanging on a piece of wood and then the parrot flew on my piece of wood that I was hanging on to and then I yelled out ‘’LEAVE ME ALONE YOU RUIN M Y TRICKS AND YOU STEAL MY …show more content…

And I realized that I was going to go and find parrot and so I did it was super hard because there was a lot of parrots on that island and I didn't have any luck today but maybe tomorrow. It is early today and i’m for sure going to find the parrot. I found him but I still haven't apologized to him for yelling at him and I feel bad. And he hasn't talked to me yet and he’s the most talkative parrot ever in the world and if he doesn't talk then there's a problem. So i'm going to say sooo….rrrr…..yyyyyyy…. I don’t like saying that to a parrot it’s weird. ‘’Ok parrot i’m so soooo…...rrrrrrrr….yyyyyyyyy ok for yelling at you and I hope you can forgive me so we can be friends’’ ‘’

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