Parents Taking Back Control of the Relationship

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Where did recess go? I remember all throughout the beginning of my education career thinking to myself "Only five more minutes ticll that sweet freedom air." At my middle school, there would be the black top and up on top of a hill would be the jungle gym with swings galore. There would be one or two supervisors watching all 200-300 students being free from the confines of school. After dealing with the struggles of reading chapter books, the multiplication table, and cursive writing at school, I would walk home alone. When I walked in my house, I would turn on some cartoons, grab a juice box from the fridge and work on my homework. I would hear the doorknob turning, like a child waking up on Christmas morning, I would rush to the door knowing at that moment my mother got home, and I would be free to roam in the fresh air once more. All she would say is "be home before it is dark". Youth today are losing what made them unique from adults. Children do not act like children and parents are do nothing about it and will not take responsibility for them.
Recess is the time for students to be able to leave the confines of the school buildings and roam around. During this time, children learn from their mistakes. If a child is running down a pathway on his way to recess and falls down, the child would learn to slow down. Elkind states that schools are hiring "recess coaches" to oversee arguments and bullying that happens on the playground during recess (1). When I was growing up, we had two "recess coaches". Back then, they were called teachers, and one was down by the black top and the other up by the jungle gym. Their job was to make sure the students would not kill each other, or if a student was hurt, the teacher was able to get med...

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... am, and we lived two different childhoods. We both were raised with the same mother, morals and values, but two different types of possessions. My younger brother was still taught to cherish his possessions. Values and morals that are taught in children come with the parents, but it just seems like the parents want to be able to put the blame on other people instead of accepting the responsibility. The parents would rather blame the school for bullying during recess instead of actually accepting the fact that they raised their child to be like that. No parent wants to be told that it is his or her fault though. Parents will give into their child's demands for high tech gadgets, expensive clothing and demands for almost anything so they would not look bad. It is time for parents to accept true responsibility for their child and take back control in the relationship.

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