Paragraph About Medusa

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There once was a fare beautiful young maiden name Medusa. She was more beautiful beyond compare any of the other woman in the village but she didn’t think so. Medusa lived on a small farm with her father Oceanus, mother Gaea and 5 horses. Every day Medusa would go out and groom, feed and water all 9 horses. She loved all of her horses equally all but one. She had one very special horse. This horse was her favorite, she has had her since she was 3. Her horse's name was Magestaniey. She had a light brown back, white hooves and was an amazing friend to Medusa. Everyday after taking care of Magestaniey, Medusa would go on a walk through through the town to see her friends, family, and neighborhood. She would see children playing ball in the …show more content…

All the children loved her the boys would play ball ,and the girls would either do each others hair or make things for their hair out of flowers. She would also see loving mothers inside there cottages cooking a delicious meal for their families. Fathers just coming home from a long hard days of work. As she walked along the streets of Athens she came along the Parthenon home of statue of Athena. Medusa loved to come to the Parthenon to write poems in her journal, draw, and sometimes she would sit and admire how confident, brave, smart,and beautiful Athena was. Medusa looked up to Athena as a role model.

Hours past sundown approached

After boasting in her mind about how Athena was so perfect in her mind, Medusa headed home. When she walked in the door and her mother already had dinner set out for her father,Medusa ,and herself. After they ate their supper Medusa and her father thanked Gaea for making the wonderful meal. Medusa helped her mother clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes as she always did. That night before bed, Medusa went out to the stables to say goodnight to Magestaniey. When Medusa approached Magestaniey stall she came across a glimpse of something she never in her lifetime would want to see! …show more content…

“Jelasia come on mother wants us home for supper, oh hi Medusa I need my little sister”. “Okay that's fine thank you Jelasia for the headband”. “Your welcome I had fun making it”. As Medusa walked away she heard Jelasia's big sister whisper “you know you aren't supposed to pick flowers out of mom’s garden” that gave Medusa a good chuckle. As she walked down the street looking at all the other house most people were settling down after a long day getting ready for bed. Medusa walked down the street to her favorite place Parthenon to ask Athena the goddess of wisdom what to do this is the first time she had ever actually talked to or asked Athena what to do. “Oh great Athena goddess of wisdon something is wrong with my favorite horse Magestaniey what should I do”. With Medusa down on her knees in praying position infront of Athena’s statue a faint ghost like woman appearded in front of Medusa. “It is I Athena The Great Goddess of Wisdom”. Medusa gasp in shock “ so the legends are true you really will come when one needs you most” said Medusa. “Ah it is true but I only come to give advise on what to do I won’t acutually fix your problem that you must conquor on your own”. “Well as you know something is

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