Paradigm Shift Friedan Analysis

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Freidan recognized a paradigm shift. She realized that break through the age-old definition of woman only in sexual relation to man—wife, mother, sex object, housewife—never as a person defining herself by her own actions in society, was in fact a paradigm shift. Friedan stated, “What I sense is the need for a paradigm shift beyond feminism, beyond sexual politics, beyond identity politics altogether”. (Friedan 1997) A new paradigm for women and men. Friend was a feminist, and by that, it did not mean she hated men, but just knew there was a change in our society and in fact there was. What happened in the paradigm was once the women were making some progress because the men were at war, and when the men came back the men took over all jobs. …show more content…

It is a terrible feeling to have something you worked so hard on and have it all taken away. Friedan displayed in her books all the hard work women had to do, and have it all taken away. It is not fair, but because of the paradigm shift, it makes women work just as hard as men or even harder. Once women were going back to college, men were having hard times trying to find a job. This was a great point because Friedan shows to everyone all the hard work she put in, even when being married and with children. Women are considered to be weak and less important which can cause gender stereotypes. Gender stereotypes will continue unless women as a whole prove to society that we are just as important as

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