Paper On Jeans Media Plan Challenge

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UnME Jeans Media Plan Challenge

Which, if any, of the 3 social media plans should Foley pursue? Why?

In my opinion Foley should pursue Zwinktopia and Facebook and not pursue YouTube. Zwinktopia has the target audience that UnME jeans targets ages 13-24 interested in fashion. At the time of the report Zwinktopia had a total of 7 million members and the ability to export or post unto Facebook and MySpace increasing the potential reach according to the numbers provided by Nielsen in 2007 by an additional 70.7 million. The cost is considerably different among the three options with Zwinktopia being the most cost effective and on point with the target audience. With Facebook they will develop a brand profile page, create a fictional character to enhance and build the relationship with the audience and buy banner advertisement targeting females ages 12-24 with interest in fashion. YouTube, unlike the other two options suggests creating three 4-minute videos which already is a deterrent as you have to assurance the audience will hangout long enough to see all three to get the entire message. The cost is in the middle of both the other two options.

What benefits would Foley gain from each of the 3 social media plans? What risks does each entail? How can Foley reap the benefits and mitigate the risks of each program?
The benefits Foley would obtain with Zwinktopia mainly is their possible comprehensive reach as previously stated by the ability to export to MySpace and Facebook. Additionally they get to launch in real time as well as virtually, which is an activity which occurs frequently due to their styles being limited in quantity thus making all styles limited editions. So they get to reap the benefits of the Buzz that comes along ...

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...r own UnME designs across the platforms and perhaps take it a step further and create online e-magazines with the coolest jeans. Enforcing their brand of being unique, and to be tolerating and appreciative of differences in tastes.

Is UnMe Jeans the right or wrong type of brand and product for Web 2.0? Why? What advantages and disadvantages does the brand have in today 's social media environment?
UnME is the right type of brand and product for Web 2.0 because it is a specific product that is better understood with the support of the engagement that social media provides and also that the avatar and the character can provide. It is has a strong message and it encourages creativity and expression which again is perfect for this kind of platform. The advantages today would be that you now have instagram and pinterest amongst which and facebook is bigger than ever.

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