Paper On Identity Development

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Erikson believed that people cannot achieve true intimacy without first having formed a solid identity as an individual. Identity is a sense of knowing who you are and where you’re going in life, resolved positively emergence of identity marks end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood. Feeling of being at home in one’s body, sense of knowing where one is going. Inner assuredness of anticipated recognition from those who count. Identity development is a key developmental task of adolescence and emerging adulthood. There were advantages to exploring my identity during my teenage years. I remember during my teenage years I would always look for solid identity for my friends on the track team and from kids in the band. I would always look for acceptance to be accepted by my friends and peers and by my teachers. My identity showed where my life was going by my actions. According to Erikson, it’s important to think seriously about these issues and ultimately to come to enough of a resolution so that the path you walk on in adulthood is one that I have chosen. Just like Erickson has stated that if you don’t come to grips with harsh decisions and never arrive at a firm identity and has prepared me for the development tasks that lay ahead. I know that my solid identity of wanted to be accepted by my friends and when I measured my development …show more content…

They are parallel, first do I agree with Erikson’s position on identity formation and intimacy? I know that dating for me was peer interaction which helped me as an adolescent clarify my identities and begin to separated identity formation in middle adolescence. Failure to sail smoothly through this stage of identity development can lead a person to feelings of confusion, isolation, and lead to difficulties developing meaningful relationships with others. (Feldman,

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