Pantheon Vs Parthenon

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In this Learning Unit 2 assignment, we are asked to compare the similarities and differences of two famous Greek and Roman buildings. I viewed this two buildings, Parthenon in Athens and Pantheon in Rome, as two outstanding pieces of Art. Also we are asked to consider the style and function of the two buildings.

First I will describe the Parthenon in Athens. Built in the Acropolis, ts name in Greek means “the virgin's place”. (parthenos = virgin = Athena) Its sole purpose was used a temple for Athene, whom was a virgin goddess that lived in Athens. The temple originally kept a statue of Athena. There are two rooms of the temple that housed treasures, and items of value. The rectangular floor plan is unique to the eye. The main room was the home of the Athena statue. Every four years a ceremony was held to honor the goddess. This temple was constructed by Perikles, that shows off his power and great impact he had on the Athenian Empire. This establishment is currently being used as a Museum of Art. …show more content…

It along with the Parthenon in Athens suggests its main function was built as a temple. Pantheon's structure is round, unlike Parthenon which is Doric temple with columns. In the beginning, it has been suggested to be a temple for all the pagan gods. ( Seven planetary godsAt the top of the dome has an opening called the oculus. This is the domes main source of natural sunlight. This is the only dome in the world that has no “reinforcements”. The Pantheon also houses the tombs of a the honored painter, Raphael, and several other “kings”. Currently this magnificent building is housed as a Catholic

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