Pantalone In Fairy Tales

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As far as fairy tales go, this was a decent one. It had a storyline rocky enough to keep the audience on their toes without straying to far from its predictable happy ending profile. The same could be said about the acting. They manage to portray their character to the full extent without arriving too overdone. This is not an insult, however, because ,when playing the role of a character in a fairytale, it is very easy to step over the line that signifies that one is trying too hard to be a character from a fairytale. It is very difficult for one not to be too ditsy, or eccentric when playing a character that is defined as ditsy and eccentric. This cast managed to walk along the tightrope that runs between the two, and I was impressed. One character I am going to put the magnifying glass on is the character of Pantalone, played by Lyndalia. …show more content…

He stands low and beaten to any with power above him. They say jump and he says how high. He is weak. At the beginning of the performance, Pantalone blocks the king and queens parting kiss while urging the king to go on to war. It is right after this, with the arrival of the imposer queen, that the audience discovers just how cowardly the man really is. He allowed the rightful queen to be buried alive, and the twins to be tossed aside and left in the hands of complete strangers, all to save his own skin. His only goal for the better part of the first half was to keep himself alive. Once the king returned from war, it seemed that Pantalone gained a little self-esteem. It was after this part that Pantalone evolved from a spineless coward to the voice of reason that no one seemed to have the time to listen to. This keeps him relevant without just too far ahead of the rest of the story. Because of this, he manages to keep his skin long enough to rejoice in the happy ending with all of the other

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