Paleo Diet Research Paper

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Progression of the paleo diet The paleo diet is based off of how the pre-historic humans were thought to eat thousands of years ago. There diet consisted of meat, fish, poultry, fruits and vegetables. The diet avoids anything that pre-historic people did not have available to them. Although this diet does not meet the substantial amount of carbohydrates recommended by the government ("Paleo Diet - US News Best Diets"). The prehistoric people were still able to get the nutrients they needed to thrive and survive. The paleo diet was beneficial to the prehistoric people motivating growth and development into the culture, creatures and community known today ("Paleo Diet - US News Best Diets"). Altercations in the paleo diet practiced today. Of …show more content…

That however does not mean that the diet does not provide necessary nutrients. Not every person can be classified under these regulations but it is a good system to get an idea of what one should be eating. Less is more; on average Americans surpass the recommended 2,300 milligrams of sodium. If one is of African-American decent or has hypertension, diabetes or chronic kidney disease, the recommended amount plummets to 1,500 milligrams ("Paleo Diet - US News Best Diets"). The paleo diet calls for no added salt, seeing that the pre-historic people had no access to salt or pepper shakers. Fat is a different story. On average on being on the paleo diet one consumes about thirty-nine percent from fat. The amount suggested by the government ranges from ten percent to thirty-five percent. Protein is on the higher end of the scale, averaging to be around thirty-eight percent being taken in on the diet. Again the government recommends around ten to thirty-five percent. This diet is very low in carbs, seeing that the foliage prehistoric people had available to them was usually difficult to digest. The average paleo diet consumes about twenty-three percent of daily calories from carbohydrates. According to the government forty-five to sixty-five percent of calories eaten a day should be from carbohydrates ("Paleo Diet - US News Best …show more content…

Pesticides can be absorbed from the outside of the produce to the inside of the skin. If one does not eat completely organic, there is no way to stay completely away from consuming chemicals. Pesticides also contaminate drinking water. Run off water from farms using pesticides contaminate rivers and have the potential to infiltrate drinking water supplies ("Assessing Health Risks from Pesticides | Pesticides | US EPA"). A simple way to avoid this is to filter your water a few extra times before you consume it. Scientists know more about the effect pesticides have on people than the effects GMOs do. This evidence is due to worker exposer. People who apply pesticides such as vegetable and fruit pickers. The Environmental Protection Agency known as the EPA, evaluates exposure workers have to chemicals. The EPA only registers chemicals that are shown to be safe if used properly. There are different ways to be exposed to pesticide, inhalation exposure, dermal exposure, and oral exposure. Testing is typically preformed on animals by pesticide companies in independent laboratories. While testing pesticides the EPA looks for a wide range of side effects such as eye and skin irritation to birth defects and cancer. The Federal Government also regulates pesticides, “to ensure that they do not pose unreasonable risk to human health or the environment.” ("Assessing Health Risks from Pesticides | Pesticides | US

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