Paint My Nails Analysis

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The color I chose to paint my nails was a nudish pink color, sort of like a muted mauve. I chose it because it was soft in color and not too bold. In addition, it would match any and all of my outfits. When I looked at the finished painting of my nails, I went to judge how well the paint job was performed, whether it was streaky, opaque, and clean. After I had my partner fix the messy parts, I felt good about myself when I looked at my nails. I thought they were very pretty and I felt very put together. People did not react to my nails or no one ever mentioned anything about them. There was a lack of reaction because it is not uncommon for teenage girls to wear nail polish, so I did not think anything of it. I wore the nail polish for about …show more content…

As I listed the reasons for choosing the nude pink color, such as being soft and not too bold, I began to realize that these explanations conformed to gender roles and the social construction of femininity- to be soft, quiet, delicate, and pretty. I was focused on the appearance of how my nails looked because I wanted them to look nice and make me look more put together and ladylike. There was no reaction to me wearing nail polish because it fits into the gender role for women as they are expected to make themselves look attractive and …show more content…

The hierarchy between men and women comes from the traditional view of patriarchy in society, where males are seen as the primary authority figure and head of the household. When boys wear nail polish, they are seen as feminine and associated with acting like a girl. While there is nothing wrong with being a girl, gender roles in society make it so being a girl comes with labels such as weak and submissive. Accordingly, boys in society are to conform gender roles of what it means to be a man- to be dominant, strong, and powerful. They do not want to be called a girl, thought of as lesser than, or have their manhood threatened. While not everyone might feel this way, many people are misogynistic, which is the hatred of women or things associated with them because men do not like their power or dominance taken away. There is the underlying message of misogyny within homophobia, where people are uncomfortable with those who do not conform to gender roles, but also behavior associated with women and

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