Koty Sipe Character Summary

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Koty Sipe character sketch Anakin Skywalker was born into a slave company and is sold to Watto, a machinery broker. As a child he had short blond and quite ratty hair style. His clothes were poorly sewn together with holes and dirt all over them. Growing up on tatooine was hard for his mother because Anakin didn’t have many friends at all. Anakin was special for he had dreams of the future and could, at times, know when things were going to happen before they did. Growing up all anakin wanted to do was become a podracer and fly in space. Often he would get into trouble with Watto because of this. Later on Anakin met a juvenile lady named Padme. In Anakin's’ eyes he thought she was an angel and fell in love with her immediately. With Padme …show more content…

Anakin and Qui-Gon became friends very fast and soon he entered a pod race. His freedom was bet during the race for Qui-Gon's’ ship. When Anakin won the race he asked about his mother being set free but he was the only one who could be set free. He left with Qui-gon and Obi-wan Kenobi to become a jedi. When Qui-gon died Anakin became Obi-wan’s apprentice. Many years later in Anakin began to train to become a jedi knight. Now that he’s in his teen years he has dark brown hair and a small ponytail. By 22 BBY, just before the Clone Wars, Anakin had grown into a powerful Jedi. Although he respected Obi-Wan as a friend and master, Anakin was keenly aware that his Force abilities were far beyond Obi-Wan's -- or anyone else's in the Jedi Order. He believed that Obi-Wan was holding him back from reaching his true potential. When Senator Padmé Amidala was attacked, Anakin was assigned to protect her. But when he had nightmares about his mother, he took Padmé from the safety of Naboo to find his mother on Tatooine. He discovered that she had been freed by a moisture farmer, Cliegg Lars, whom she later married. But she had been abducted by Tusken Raiders, violent Tatooine tribes, and there was …show more content…

He slaughtered the tribe who had captured her, taking his first step towards the dark side of the Force. When Anakin and Padmé received a message from Obi-Wan on Geonosis, they went to investigate and got captured. Knowing that they might soon die, Padmé was finally able to let go of her fears and confess her love for Anakin. Anakin and Padmé married. Because the Jedi Order forbade attachment, they were forced to keep their relationship secret. Furious with this Anakin became one step closer to the dark side of the force. Later during An epic fight with Count Dooku, Dooku cut off Anakin’s hand, a symbol of darkness in the jedi order. Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Palpatine was abducted by General Grievous and Count Dooku. After Obi-Wan was knocked unconscious, Anakin incapacitated Dooku and was prepared to arrest him. Palpatine insisted, however, that Dooku was too dangerous to take alive, and incited Anakin to kill him in cold blood. When Anakin took his concerns to Palpatine, the Chancellor revealed that the Sith held the secrets to life and death. As a Sith, Anakin could reach his full potential in the Force and prevent Padmé from dying. Anakin reported the Chancellor to Mace Windu, and finally

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