Overtreating Patient Argumentative Essay

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Reasons behind Doctors Overtreating Patients and How to avoid it
Did you ever find that doctors are providing you with too much of medical tests that aren’t necessary? The third leading cause of death in the United States is medical mistakes. Especially in the developed countries doctors are overtesting, overdiagnosis and overtreating a disease. For nonexistent or milder problem doctors sometimes provide wasteful medical care. Before going further first we should know what overtreatment actually is? Prescribing unnecessary medication or procedures for treating any disease, illness or injury is called overtreatment.
This can be described easily with an example if a patient has undergone nonessential surgery or is overexposed to radiation or X-rays or may be overtreated that do more harm than good. Furthermore, it may occur with holistic medicine or traditional western medicine as well. …show more content…

It is also true that there are some patients who demands for more prescriptions, tests and treatments from doctors. Half of the physicians complain that their patients want unnecessary tests. However, one of the fact remains true for doctors overtreating patients is the desire to make money. Some tests, over-prescribed medication or treatments may appear helpful but they are actually nothing but money.
Another reason is that the doctors often feel pressured to over-prescribe medications even if it isn’t helpful. Instead of prescribing medications doctors can also find other ways to reduce patient’s anxiety, depression and blood pressure. Some of the approaches can be healthy diets, meditation and exercise that can also improve overall health of a person. People always think that paying more attention to the health results in a better outcome but it is not always the case and can lead to create further

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