Overcoming Failure Research Paper

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To everyone, having a dream means reaching that pinnacle moment of triumph and greatness in their life. In my case, helping my family live comfortably and not having to stress about money will be the triumph in my dream. My personal goals and educational goals are something that I have stood by and strive for every day. Whatever the obstacle happens to be, I know that I have to overcome it to reach my goal or I will never reach my dreams. But I always have to keep in mind that I cannot be afraid to fail. A person can never be afraid to fail. When someone wants to achieve a goal or make a dream reality, they cannot be afraid of failure. College is my first step of achieving my dream. I do my best to keep my grades up, because I know that they will help me get into college. Another thing I try to be great at is softball. Honestly, my grades aren't even close to getting me scholarships into division I schools and I am fully aware of that. That's why I have to dominate on the field so I can pay less and less for college and not put the future me knee deep in loans. I want to attend the University of North Texas to get a bachelors' degree in psychology. That's a reach school of mine. I reach for it because I know the opportunities it will give me. I have a couple of other schools at my hip that I can pull out at …show more content…

They're for my brother. My dream for him is to realize his own dreams early on and to tackle them head on. I don't want him to have to struggle through life like our dad did. I would rather help him fulfill his than ever even come close to reaching mine. My brother is possibly my best friend. He's eight. It's kind of sad. However, I see his potential and he's not like other eight year olds. His mind is too developed and his thought process is different from other kids. He's special in a way that I would give him the sun, moon, and stars just to see him blossom into the person I know he's supposed to

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