Outline The Memory System Essay

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Outline the four memory systems discussed in the lecture. Relate each of the memory systems to Clive's case and give examples of each memory system.
1. Sensory Register
a. Clive only knows what is happening in that exact moment, everything else that has happened before he forgets. Even as he is talking he forgets what he said in the sentence before. If he were to be able to hold on to the moments that happened right before he would have a better sensory register memory system.
b. Other examples of how sensory register is being able to recall something that happened a split second before. So while taking notes in class a student uses sensory register to listen to the professor and write down what he or she is saying a second later.
2. Short term memory
a. …show more content…

Clive does not recall events that happened from even five minutes before. Such as in his journal he writes down activities and thoughts he has completed, but when he looks at the paper five minutes later he does not recall writing it at all.
b. Short term memory is being able to hold on to information for about thirty seconds and then to recall what was just said. So someone is told a telephone number and is able to say the numbers right after it was said to them, is an example of short term memory.
3. Working memory
a. While Clive’s memory does not last long he is able to comprehend written and spoken language, so his memory is able to work through it. Though it is assumed if he were to work on a problem for too long he would keep forgetting the work he has already completed. So for Clive, his working memory cannot last for long problems but for short things such as reading or writing a short sentence down he can do it.
b. Working memory is also used while people play videogames, they have to recall on a combinations of buttons that will help their character in a game, if they do not do so within a few seconds then that may cost them the game.
4. Long term

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