Outliers Gladwell Essay

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Success is one in a hundred. True success is one in a million. To the people who are truly successful, their lives seem to be masqueraded in mystique. However, many of these truly successful people started out just like us. To us, they are unique, an outlier to describe it more precisely. To many of these outliers, Gladwell’s qualities of success applies to most of them. One of these truly successful people happens to be a japanese game developer named Satoru Iwata, most notably known as the former CEO of Nintendo. Satoru Iwata was born in the year of 1959 and grew up like any other family being raised by two loving parents. Like a handful of successful people in the electronics industry, Iwata displayed a deep fascination for electronics …show more content…

However, that is not the case. In the case of Satoru Iwata for example, was a mix of innate things such as talent and passion, as well as other factors such as the timing of his birth and surroundings, the opportunities live gave him, and the effort he poured into his passion of programing. The theories that Gladwell presents in his book Outliers can be seen to be valid, if applied to Iwata, though Iwata’s innate talent was an unaccounted variable. However, what makes a person successful is a combination of talent and the factors Gladwell expressed. What makes a person is not a single quantity or two, or even a multitude of qualities. What makes a person themself is culmination of their qualities, their circumstances, offhand decisions, coincidences and much more incalculable things within our mysterious world. However, just because reaching success consists of many uncontrollable factors, it does not mean that reaching for it is totally impossible. The fact that some people have it better than others is factually true. However, even the people who have the least of the least can rise to stardom. One has to know the ropes of the system. One has to know how to play the game we call life. Doing what you love. Using many of the things that Gladwell describes to be the stepping stone to success. Persevering until the end. That is what makes success

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