Outlaw Archetype Essay

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The Representation of Outlaw Archetype across Literatures: A Comparative Study An outlaw hero is a person of distinguished courage and noble qualities who operate above the law and in a way challenges the status quo of rules. Outlaw is a popular figure in both folk and popular culture. What makes them less of a criminal and more of a hero is the moral code supposed to be followed by the outlaw and the sympathy he gains from the masses. Though they challenge the system and may even further towards violence, their deeds are not done in self-interest. They may loot the rich but distributes it among the poor and needy. According to Eric Hobsbawm, outlaws are created by the societal tensions. Though the most famous outlaw we have known is Robin …show more content…

A branch called ‘Robin Hood studies’ exists in the British academia, completely dedicated to the English outlaw but otherwise most of the contribution is made by sociologists and cultural critics. According to Stephen Knight, the outlaw literature has an anti-authoritative textual tradition (knight XV, introduction) as it is quite difficult to contest the authenticity of the source material and this could be a reason why the literary critics have not shown a lot of interest in this domain. Bandits (1969), written by the famous Marxist historian, Eric Hobsbawm, is an important work enlightening this area. He makes a detailed study about social bandits and also dedicates a specific chapter discussing the noble outlaw. According to him, there is a visible disparity between the noble status attributed to the legendary outlaws and their real-life counterparts. He further states "Such is the need for heroes and champions that if there are no real ones, unsuitable candidates are pressed into service… the image of the noble robber… is that of the champion, the righter of wrongs, the bringer of justice and social equality” (Hobsbawm, 42). Graham Seal, another notable scholar in this field has developed a principle called ‘Robin Hood principle’ which states that “Wherever and whenever significant numbers of people believe they are victims of inequality, injustice and

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