Our Son Shoes Of Water In His Body By Naomi Shibab Nye

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A famous speaker states, “Somewhere a mistaken word distorts the sum: / divide becomes multiply so he’d wrestle his parents” (Nye line 1-2). Have you disagreed with your parents about something you strongly agree with? In “Our Son Swears He Has 102 Gallons of Water in His Body” by Naomi Shibab Nye, the son and parents relationship face obstacles left and right. As a result the parents think they are right and their son thinks he is correct. After carefully analyzing the poem, the reader learns, that the parents just wants their son to take responsible. The child is wrong in this situation, but he needs to comprehend that he isn’t always right. Throughout the poem, the son’s relationship with his parents change in many ways. The reader realizes that kids have their own way of seeing things. The speaker once stated, “I did the problem / and my said I was right” (Nye line 3-4). The son is comparing that situation about holding 102 Gallons of Water to a question he got right in class. The diction interprets his intelligence to be superior. According to the speaker, “But he knows. He always knows.We’re idiots / without worksheets to back us up” (Nye line 9-10). Parents can be wrong when they don’t know the true facts. This is why …show more content…

In this poem, “Our Son Swears He Has 102 Gallons of Water in His Body” show that his parents work a lot. The speaker voiced, “It’s the fact you live with, having parents” ( Nye line 13). From this quote, the reader has knowledge that the child’s parents aren’t always around. The son is sticking to his opinion because he knows the parents always need evidence to back them up. They barely even notice that he is there. The speaker mention, “His mother never remembers / what a megabyte means and his dad fainted on an airplane once / and smashed his head on a drink cart (Nye line 10-13). His parents don’t understand that he remembers and knows everything because he is growing

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