Fear Of Wolf Essay

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Our Fear of Wolves
Wolf! What is the first thought that enters one’s mind upon the utterance of that word? More than likely it is the image of a hairy, razor-sharp toothed beast awaiting the thrill of its next merciless kill. Unfortunately, this stereotypical image has been embalmed within the human psyche of the Western civilization for hundreds of years. Most have never even seen a wolf, yet human’s fear of the animal is seemingly as natural as being afraid of the dark. Might these fears be caused by the mind’s interpretation of the literature and stories that have been told over the centuries? For hundreds of years, the wolf has been greatly mischaracterized and it is time to put these out-dated notions to rest.
Writings depicting wolves as evil …show more content…

R.D. Lawerence points out how Germanic Norse mythology tells the story an enormous wolf named Fenris, who was the first son of the satanic overlord Loki (122). The legend of Fenris states that, “[he] was so large that when he opened his mouth his jaws stretched from earth to heaven”(Todd 1). As the legend goes, he “devoured several hundred people before the gods were able to chain him.”(Lawerence 122) This 1000-year-old German legend tells us that the wolf eats people mercilessly and is a satanic offspring of the devil. Take also into consideration the widely popular fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood.” R.D. Lawerence states that, “The story of Little Red Riding Hood perpetuates a number of myths about wolves”(120). Palamar would agree with this statement about “Little Red Riding Hood” as she feels that in the popular fairy tale, “The wolf is portrayed as a tempting, greedy, deceptive killer and eater of small children and old women”(4). People that read these stories were entertained or got the point of the story but they were left with a completely inaccurate impression of the

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