Our Blessed Mother At Fatima

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Our Blessed Mother at Fatima

On May 13th, 1917 three children were playing games in the field while tending their sheep. Suddenly they saw a flash of light. Thinking it to be lightning, the children gathered the sheep and started for home. They took refuge under a tree about a hundred yards away. They saw a flash of light again. They began running when they saw, standing over a small holmoak tree, a Lady dressed in white more brilliant than the sun.

That was the beginning of Our Blessed Mother at Fatima. She visited the children six times bringing them messages for the world. In all Her appearances at Fatima, Our Mother repeatedly emphasized the necessity of praying the Rosary daily, of wearing the Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel and of performing acts of reparation and sacrifice.

Our Lady's Message to the world is contained in what has come to be called the 'Secret'. The Secret actually consists of three parts, the first two of which have been revealed. The first part of the Secret was a horrifying vision of hell "where the souls of poor sinners go" and contained an urgent plea from Our Lady for acts of prayer and sacrifice to save souls. The second part of the Secret told of the outbreak of World War II and asked for the Consecration of Russia as a condition of world peace. It also predicted the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart following Russia's consecration and conversion.

The last part of the Secret (often called the "Third Secret") has not yet been made public, but Lucia wrote it down in 1944 and is in the possession of the Pope.

What Is Fatima?

Heaven's Intervention to Save Us From Persecution, War, Annihilation, Enslavement and Hell

Fatima is a visit by Our Heavenly Mother Mary in our time for our time. It is a Message of concern, a practical plan for world peace, a promise of Heaven.

It is Heaven's interventions to save us from persecution, martyrdom, war, enslavement or annihilation. Above all it's a way to save our souls from Hell. It is meant for you.

Today Our Lady, by Divine Providence, invites you to learn The Whole Truth About Fatima by giving you this opportunity to know Her beautiful message of Fatima.

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