Othello, The Moor Of Venice Essay

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The play “Othello, the Moor of Venice” by William Shakespeare can be difficult to comprehend but has a deeper meaning. Othello is an African American and was not accepted by Desdemona’s family, in which he was accused with bewitching Brabantio’s daughter into running away with him to Cypress. Othello and Desdemona started their lives together, thinking that it would last a lifetime. Iago ruined their marriage because he is envious of Cassio, due to the fact that he was chosen by Othello to be the lieutenant. Iago manages to manipulate and convince Othello that Desdemona is unfaithful to him. This leads to Othello being easily misled and being very easily influenced. While Iago was lying to Othello and him believing the lies, it made Othello have no faith or trust in his wife, even though Iago had no proof. Iago convinced Othello that Desdemona had an affair with Cassio. The play shows the theme of revenge “Killing myself, to die upon a kiss” in which Othello …show more content…

The song, “The Willow Tree” that Desdemona is singing shows that the song is expressing her own situation, that the man she loves so much is losing his sanity and trust for her. The candle at the end of the story is representing Desdemona’s life, while it was putting off the light it represented that she was still alive, when Othello blew the light out it represented that Desdemona has been killed. By Shakespeare choosing the symbols he chose to use in the play, it helped the readers better analyze, fully understand what was happening throughout the play and it also helped build the suspense up for the

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