Othello Power Balance

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Iago and Emilia’s relationship in The Tragedy of Othello: Moor of Venice is similar to a lion, on one end it can be fierce, while on another it can be sly and cunning, and in the end it is the cunning side that becomes the strongest when stalking prey.
Iago, as deceitful of a character his is, always remains truthful when it comes to his opinions of his wife, Emilia. Iago claims throughout the play that his wife has cheated on him multiple times through out their marriage, these claims are even made in public among high ranking officers when Iago and Emilia meet on Cyprus, with Iago saying, “You rise to play and go to bed to work.” Iago’s mentioning of his spouse’s supposed cheating shows how much she truly hates everyone around him, even going to the point of combining his hate for Othello, “I hate the Moor, and 'tis thought abroad that 'twixt my sheets he has done my office." The use of the term ‘my office’ seems to dehumanize the idea of sex with a spouse and instead makes it seem like just another job. As the story progresses it becomes apparent that Iago harbors hate not only f...

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