Oskar Schindler's List

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Theme is a central idea or message that an author is trying to convey to an audience through a literary piece of work. Schindler's List demonstrated the theme of the best parts of human nature through the utilization of the actions, beliefs, and morality of the character Oskar Schindler. Oskar Schindler’s only regret at the end of the war was that he didn’t save more lives by saving more money. He had lost all of the money that he worked so hard to earn to save the Jews. Yet, all he could think about is how he could had done more, sold more items, made more money in order to save another life. As demonstrated through the following statement: “I could have got more out. I could have got more… If I'd just... I could have got more… If I'd made …show more content…

One more person... I could have gotten one more person... and I didn't! And I... I didn't!” (“Schindler's List.” Universal Pictures, 1993). At first, everything was about how much money Schindler could make, but he began to feel pity for the Jews as he discovers more of the torment they are going through and puts in his time and effort to help them. Oskar Schindler spent every penny he has to save over 1100 Jewish people and still felt like he could have done more and that what he done was not enough; resulting in him breaking down in tears. Schindler traveled to Auschwitz and putting great effort into saving the women and went out of his way to save the women opposed to just receiving new recruitments. Oskar Schindler have made the effort to save even the children, the old, the young, and as many as he possibly could. He kept pushing and pushing so that he could save more in order to provide these people with life when no one else would. Therefore, he can be concluded to truly be a good person who puts the lives and well being of others above his own, regardless of the risks and consequences associated. However, Schindler's List also demonstrated the worst parts of humanity through how war had the ability to bring out the hatred and inhuman acts that mankind is truly capable

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