Orion Nebula Research Paper

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Located in the sword of Orion, the Orion Nebula, also known as M42 or NGC 1976, lies in one of the most recognisable constellations in the night sky. It is a part of the larger Orion Nebula Cluster which at the age of roughly 3 million years old it lies a mere 1,344 lightyears away with a diameter of 14 lightyears [Scally, Clarke, Mccaughrean, 2005]. A nebula is a cloud of gas and dust [Oxford Dictionary, 2016] where either new stars are born or dead stars remain. The Orion Nebula is both an emission and reflection nebula, known as a diffuse nebula. An emission nebula is one in where there is a cloud of high temperature gas [Arnett, 1997]. A reflection nebula is one where the cloud of gas is illuminated by stars around it. The nebula has a …show more content…

To begin they are both reflection nebulae however the Orion Nebula has the added classification of an emission nebula due to its ionization of hydrogen. NGC 2261 differs from NGC 1976 in the fact that it is variable, it changes shape and brightness due to dark dust clouds passing by R Monocerotis. References Anonymous. (1998). A closer look at Hubble's Variable Nebula. Sky and Telescope, 95, 24-25. Retrieved April 17, 2016, from http://web.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.library.uwa.edu.au/ehost/detail/detail?sid=e3eaa20f-cd07-4589-9e1a-64af362890ae%40sessionmgr4001&vid=0&hid=4207&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d&preview=false#AN=170864&db=f5h Arnett, B. (1997). Types of Nebulae. Retrieved April 17, 2016, from The Web Nebulae: http://astro.nineplanets.org/twn/types.html James, A. (2015). The Great Orion Nebula: M42 & M43. General AStronomy Articles. Retrieved April 17, 2016, from http://www.southastrodel.com/Page204.htm Masi, G. (2014, October 24). NGC 2261, the "Hubble Nebula" - Mon. Retrieved April 17, 2016, from The Virtual Telescope Project 2.0:

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