Oregon Health Plan Research Paper

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HCA 5103 Foundations of Health Services Discussion on the Oregon Health Plan Neha Raole- TWU- spring 2015 Ethics in healthcare have always been a tough walk on the tight rope, where which principle has priority depends on the situation and who decides that priority is a tough question to be answering. The Oregon extended Medicaid program; in an attempt to reduce increasing health care costs and provide equal care to everyone. But has the Oregon health plan succeeded in distributing universal health care to all keeping in mind all the four principles of ethics is the debate that follows. The Oregon plan extended Medicaid to all persons below the poverty line regardless of traditional eligibility categories. This caused the rate of uninsured escalating to 17 % from an 11% rate in 1994 (Bodenheimer, 2012).Rationing of services held on basis of benefit and contribution to overall health status were reasons on which this plan was based. Benefiting the maximum number possible …show more content…

The expansion of state insurance in Oregon was not funded by rationing and savings from the list, as is commonly assumed but by raising revenues and moving Medicaid recipients into managed care plans. (Jonanthan Oberlander, 2001) Over the past twenty years, the state has tried controlling Medicaid spending by restricting what is covered to avoid restricting who is covered with mixed success. (Heidi Allen, 2013)In the state of Oregon, the patient’s right to choose ones medical services were lost through Oregon health plan, thus violating the autonomy. People would be treated justly when they receive what they deserve. But the Oregon health plan, violated the principle of justice by drawing the line to a preferred list. In conclusion, the Oregon health plan, started with an intent to provide universal coverage but violated the four ethical

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