Ordinary People In Ancient Time

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History is over five thousand years old, and is generally thought to begin with the first civilisations in Mesopotamia. Over the course of history, the lives of people have changed significantly, at least in the developed world. Lifespans are longer, and lives are more luxuriant, stuggles are sparser, and necessities such as food, water and shelter are taken for granted. The statement claims that there are no notable differences between people living thousands of years apart, which is highlighted by the study of history. However, this claim is easy to counter by noting what the study of history involves.

Early history highlights the stories of many great heroes, such as Gilgamesh, Augustus,
Charlemagne and more, however, it does not usually tell the story of the …show more content…

Hence, some similarities and differences between people in ancient times and now are highlighted by historical accounts, however, in general the study of history reveals little information about ordinary people.

History is often also romanticised, clouded and written from a particular perspective, usually that of a victor. Herodotus famously told tall tails, talking of oracles, peculiar peoples and animals from strange lands, and strange habits of said people that were likely entirely untrue. Studying his works may give some accurate information of the greeks, with whom he was very familiar, however, they reveal little about the people of
Hellenes times in general. While we learn quite a bit about Persian and Greek kings, it is nearly impossible to compare the lives of laymen between then and now. Conversely, history of modern times is more complete and does reveal information about workers forming unions, spending their evenings at cinemas and more, which is familiar to people even now.

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