Optical Computing Essay

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Abstract Optical computing means performing computations, operations, Storage and transmission of data using light, instead of silicon chips. Optical computers are not completely discover. Optical, computing generally means that the optical manipulation of discrete manipulating data. The hope for optics lies in doing things that are provably impossible for electronics. This paper is consist of different types of optical computing (mainly digital analog and quantum), how the networks has been transported in optics (since 1990, SDH, and SONET specifications have been extended based upon the demand for the transport of new tributary signals and also based on new capabilities provided by the evolution in component technology), architecture of optical computing. Optical computing is safe for human use because of free from electrical short. The basic requirements of an optical computing architecture for information processing are: (i) optical sources (ii) input information for processing (iii) a method of modulating the sources to carry the input information and finally (iv) an information processing or decission making Introduction: With today’s growing dependence on computing technology, the need for high performance …show more content…

In recent years, a number of devices that can ultimately lead us to real optical computers have already manufactured. These include logic gates, optical switches, optical interconnections and optical memory. Optical computing is one of the most promising, and may eventually lead to new computing applications because consequence of faster processing speed, as well as better connectivity and higher bandwidth. Optical computing approximately 60 years old. Optical computer is the most feasible technology that can be replace electronics and promises impressive speeds that can be enhance processing power and data transmission

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