Opioids Should Be Banned In Schools

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In the state of Arizona drug addiction is a problem that has been trying to be tackled due to the high rates of drug misusage. Arizona is the sixth highest state with the highest percent of drug misusage. Most of the rates are caused my kids and teenagers that use opioids. Many movements have been trying to be done to decrease these percentages. Some of these movements include providing Health Coaches in schools to let kids know of drug addiction and its consequences this is a movement Doug Ducey has provided to schools who have high rates in opioid abuse. Providing health coaches for students in school is a grand idea due to the high rates of drug misusage here in Arizona, as well as providing help for mental illnesses and preventing teens …show more content…

Many young people use drugs to escape something that is bothering them in life. Depression is something that can bother a lot of young people and they find an escape by using drugs as well as anxiety. By having health coaches in schools they can help with all the mental illnesses and prevent many things from happening like suicides. Sometimes when a student has a mental illness they feel better to find some one that is willing to help and listen to what they have to say. Other times Kids use drugs, because they have a hard life at home, because maybe they suffer from child abuse and other types of abuse. Other times using drugs is normal to these kids, because maybe their parents have taught them that it’s okay to do …show more content…

The effects it can cause on health is kidney and liver disease it can cause nausea, sores on skin, extreme mouth and teeth problems known as “meth mouth” it can also cause bacterial infections in the blood vessels. It can effect relationships with the people around you and the people that try to help you out. Using these drugs can cause a huge increase in criminal activity due to how these drugs can affect your attitude. Using meth or heroin can cause extreme anger and can cause a person to become violent. It can cause you to commit crimes, because first of all using these substances is illegal. These drugs are drugs that can come addicting and when the person cannot get ahold of these drugs they will do anything to have

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