Opioids Persuasive Speech

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More than ninety people a day in America overdose on opioids. People have become so dependent on them and the high they give people. Opioids are a class of drugs that include illegal heroin and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl and pain relievers. Around eleven and half million Americans age twelve and up have reported misusing prescription drugs. That is a sad fact, Americans are dying and leaving behind innocent children due to their addiction. Which leads us to the million dollar question, what is our government doing about the crisis? Our government has just began to take a stand. This crisis needs attention brought to it and people need to take a stand. Enough is enough, it’s time we stand up and end this crisis. This crisis hits very close to home. Southwest Virginia is in the top four jurisdictions for opioid abuse. Opioids cause the brain to …show more content…

That statement is just hard to understand, because so many people are affected by it. You may feel good at the time but, the person taking it doesn’t understand the harm that they are putting on not just themselves but, loved ones as well. People say opioids are helpful and to some people they are. The people that don’t abuse them should be able to use them. It’s not fair to the people that really need the medication. The people abusing it don’t realize that there are actual people that need help and need to the relief that the medication provides. This is the stand that a lot of Americans need to understand that we do not need to take opioids from the people that do not use them for a bad person. Some people think that it would be an unfair situation. I think the only way to solve this problem would be that doctor’s only write this presciption to the people that only need them for their own health and well being. If we just give them to the people that do not abuse them then America would have one of our many problems solved in a matter of

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