Operation Overlord: The D-Day Invasion

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Operation Overlord, otherwise known as the D-Day invasion, was planned out far before the actual invasion took place. This means that, unlike Pearl Harbor, American news media had time to prepare for the reporting of the event and was not caught off guard when the attack finally commenced. In 1944, radio remained the fastest way to inform the public of when D-Day had begun and all around the world, citizens of the allied nations waited breathlessly for the broadcast that the liberation of France had begun, for to them, this would mean the end of the war was soon to come. Radio’s role in D-Day does not begin on June 6th (the day of the actual invasion) however, it begins on the 3rd of June. At 4:39 p.m. eastern war time, as many Americans were …show more content…

Radio really found itself on D-Day.” – Broadcasting Magazine. For radio media, D-Day was an opportunity to show the American people its stripes. For the people, the next day’s paper headline of the invasion wasn’t good enough, they needed to hear the latest news, the fastest and radio was the media for the job, and they were certainly prepared. Perhaps the first sign to the American people that the attack had begun was unnoticed in the form of a slight alteration to the well-known NBC chime. Instead of the usual G-E-C note chime, a slightly altered chime was playing in the notes G-E-C-C. This was a signal to network personnel to call their offices immediately, all they had prepared for was about to begin. This chime was heard early in the morning of June 6th, 1944 when Germany’s Trans-Ocean News Service reported that the invasion had begun, citing paratroop landings and bombardment along the northern coastal areas of France as their indication. Radio newsman however were careful in their reporting of this updating over the airwaves, making sure that their audiences were aware that the report came from a German source and it had not yet been verified by the war department. The networks had not forgotten about the false report that was widespread just a few days ago and were always weary of Nazi propaganda aimed at confusing the allies. This was an instance of a break in the usual attitude of the

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